ACE TECH Trading Logo Interpretation
Three Circles: It is representing our new business transformation
strategy through Intranet, Internet, and Extranet.
Three Dots: It is representing our unity and focusing
on product quality, customer service quality, and employee relationship
ACE Spade: It is representing our competitive advantage
towards market leader.
Orange color: It is representing
aggressiveness, dynamics and forward looking.
ACE TECH Trading Management Team
- ACE TECH management team consists of different type of professional
and experienced people. They are involving in different type of business
processes, such as functional and operational management, especially
for the vertical and horizontal management process work flow (Business
Process Re-engineering).
- Supply chain management (SCM) work consists of material, product and
service sourcing and planning. Besides of the primary work role, the
SCM people also invovles in strategic marketing planning, procurement
and business collaboration work.
- Regional sales department (RSD) is involving of sales disturbution
network, customer service, and pre-sales process re-engineering.
- Logistic and shipping management (LSM) is involving in in-bound and
out-bound distribution network to acheive JIT requirement.